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Friday, August 21, 2009

About Me


I was born in 1992, (August 14 to be more exact), to my mom and dad in Braila, Romania. My parents were actually living in Bucharest, but since my maternal grandparents live in Braila, and my maternal grandfather was the head of the Hospital in the city, my mom gave birth to me there. The history was going to repeat itself five years later with my sister. Now, you must understand the setting in which I was born. It was 2 years and a half since the fall of communism in December 1998. I guess that by being born in an ex-Commie country, I lost all my future republican supporters. Meh, I’ll make up to you guys some time later. So, as I was saying I was born in Braila. There was nothing special about me at birth as I was about average. For the next three years I lived mostly in Braila. Those were probably the best three years of my life. From the day I was born, I also started to grow, reaching a full 1 meter when I was one. My suspicion is that the hospital must have tested a mushroom power up and now I was the Big Alex. Or I might have just got the genes from my maternal grandfather. To put it in perspective the average kid is anywhere from 0.7 meters to 0.8 meters when they are 1. Funny story about my life as a one year old, is how people would ask my mom/grandparents if I was not too old to still be in a baby carriage. They would also try to talk to me, but I did not know what to say back. These two factors + my height made people think I had some kind of handicap.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Forgot to metion

Forgot to mention that this summer, I am also working for the first time in my life. And no, I am not flipping burgers, although if done properly by actually thinking about the physics of flipping burgers, you could get some pretty nice results.

My first job is in research actually, at Sunnybrook Health and Sciences Center in Toronto. More exactly at the Ultrasound Lab. I've been working here since the beginning of July, and I am already done my first project which was to install and configure a 10 computer based cluster. It took me a bit longer then expected, as I had to learn Linux (always wanted to do it, never had a reason or time to). The end configuration was with Cent OS as a linux distro, Perceus as a cluster management program. They already had another cluster with warewulf, but they needed another cluster. So the new cluster also acted as a test platform for the Perceus software, as we couldn't really afford any downtime with the cluster running warewulf, so we wanted to see that everything is fine, before making a transition. As a resource manager I installed Torque, as they didn't want to actually pay for any of this software.

My second project is writing a program to numerically solve the Bioheat Equation in 3D. What I did until know, is that I wrote it for 1D in Matlab, and 1D in C++, now working on the 3D C++ version. Once I am done this I'll have to do a 3D Matlab version as well.

The work they are actually doing there consists of trying to fry or damage tumors using ultrasound and microbubles. For frying the idea is relatively simple and consists in focusing a ultrasound wave on a small surface, thus heating it up and frying it without trying to damage too much of the rest of the tissues. Another way is trying to inject microbubbles into the tumor area, and then ultrasounding it, which will make the microbubbles oscillate and change size hitting the tumor in the process. This will have the same effect as really small punches to the tumor, which will hopefully break it apart.

So this is pretty much my summer, with an 8:30 to 4:30 program, which I actually like. Too bad Sunnybrook hospital doesn't have a Gallery, so that we could see surgeries during lunch.

-G-raph out-

Hello and AP results

Welcome everyone,

This is the first post of this blog. Now the stuff that will be published on this blog, if I don't get too bored of constantly updating it, will be related to all the electronics projects I'll do + any other personal stuff that still relate in some way to Electronics and Physics and Math.

And by that I mean my AP scores for example, where I got a 4 on Calc BC and a 5 on Comp. Sci. AB.

I actually expected it to be the other way, with a 4 on Comp Sci and a 5 on Calc. But I can't complain as the schools that are accepting AP exams and that I am interested in, like this mark combination as well.

-G-raph out-